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Among most Native American tribes all important plants and animals, as well as forces of nature like wind and rain, have their own distinct spirit. Typically such spirits can manifest themselves to human beings in either their native form or in human form. This concept of transformation has been central to many of the prints I have made since I started working with the silkscreen medium. Among Southwestern tribes such nature spirits are often phrased as “Kachinas” or, as the Navajo know them, “Yei”. In my Canyon Spirits series I have developed a generalized human figure that, like the kachina, represents the human form that a particular plant or animal spirit can take. The anthropomorphic figures in this print represent such a human-like manifestation. Wherever water has flowed or fallen in the desert Southwest wild flowers are likely to spring up producing patterns and points of brilliant color against the normally drab earth. Such was the case when I scattered wild flower seeds under my backyard Mesquite tree last spring. A succession of flower types has rewarded my watering efforts and hummingbirds still visit the flowers that remain as I write these notes. These flowers provided the impetus for this print. The dark blue anthropomorphic figure provides a perfect backdrop for the greens and reds and yellows of the floral bouquet.